Can you kick the ball in Volleyball

When Can You Kick the Ball in Volleyball? But How

In volleyball, you usually hit the ball with your hands and arms. But, did you know you can use any part of your body to hit it, not just your hands and arms? Have you ever thought can you hit the ball with your feet in volleyball? Is it allowed legally? A lot of people have! Let’s explore the world of volleyball, and find out, how many times can you kick the ball in volleyball?

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Can you kick the ball in volleyball?

when Can you kick the ball in volleyball?

Yes, you can! you’re allowed to use your hands, legs, feet, or head to hit the ball. The official rules say it’s okay. But wait, there’s more to it! When can you use feet in the game?

In volleyball, kicking the volleyball during play can be a cool trick, kind of like having a special skill. But watch out! Don’t kick the ball purposely when you’re feeling upset in the game. If you do that, you might end up getting a yellow or red card, and your teammates might not be happy with you!

Is using your foot legal in volleyball?

Is using your foot legal in volleyball?

In the past, before 1993, kicking the ball in volleyball was not allowed. You couldn’t use anything below your waist to touch the ball. But then, the Volleyball bosses (FIVB) changed the volleyball rules. Now, you can use any part of your body. Why? Simply, the answer is to make the game more exciting and fun for everyone!

You can use your feet in volleyball, but how many kicks are allowed in volleyball?

Well, kicking the ball is not something you should do all the time. The game is about being careful and in control. Kicking the ball can be hard, especially when it’s moving fast and aiming for a small spot. So, use your feet wisely and not too often because there is no specific allowance for kicks in volleyball!


Should you avoid kicking a Volleyball? Before diving into the details, Let’s find out what are the rules about hitting the ball with a leg. it’s crucial to understand When kicking is allowed & when to avoid.


Here are some situations about hitting the ball with legs:

No Kicking During Serve

In volleyball, there is a definite rule that you can’t kick the ball while serving, no matter which league you’re in. The rulebook states that you should only use your hands, not your feet, to touch the ball. This applies to beach volleyball too.

Avoiding Anger-Driven Actions

Are you allowed to kick the ball with an anger? No, When you are angry, don’t hit the ball with your feet. It can make your teammates upset during practice, and in a real game, the referee might show you a yellow or red card. It’s just not a good idea.

Reasons Not to Kick the Ball Intentionally

If you intentionally kick the ball, it’s considered as illegal kick in Volleyball. It makes you embarrassed in front of your team, disappoints the coach and teammates. Intentionally kicking the ball can be seen as unsportsmanlike conduct, disrespecting the Volleyball rules and spirit of the game. It can create tension and negativity on the court.


Kicking is allowed in volleyball but is there any limit how many times can you hit the ball with your feet. Not really! While playing volleyball, you can use your feet in different situations. Some of them are these: 


In the fast game of defense, sometimes using your hands alone is hard. So, kicking the ball can help you especially when the other team’s attack is too quick.


If the opponent hits the ball between the net and the blocker, it’s tough to save with your hands. Using your legs is the best way to keep the ball in play.


When the ball is going towards the stands or benches, kicking it backward is common practice. This helps to keep the game going and the players often make cool saves with their legs.

Circle Possession Game

Some teams warm up by playing a game where they use kicks to keep the ball in play. It’s like soccer and adds fun to the pre-game routine.

Training Legs

While kicking isn’t the main focus in training but practicing, doing reaction drills, and playing 6 against 6 can help improve this skill. Players who know soccer or football might find it easier, but training should focus on all volleyball skills.

Pros and Cons of Kicking the Ball in Volleyball

Kicking the volleyball in a game can be good and bad. Let’s see why.

Good things:

  1. Longer Reach: Your legs are longer than your arms, so you can reach the ball faster.
  2. Quick Reflexes: If you’re quick, kicking can save you from a strong hit by the other team.
  3. Less Painful: Sometimes, kicking is easier and hurts less than diving to stop the ball. If you can kick it without falling, that’s good.

Not-so-good things:

  1. Not Precise: Kicking is not as accurate as using your hands. Your feet might not control the ball well.
  2. Accidental Hits: You might accidentally kick your teammates, especially if they’re close. Kicking can be dangerous nearby.
  3. Distracts from Hands: Using kicks too much can make you focus too much on your feet, not your hands. It can mess up your game.
  4. Out-of-Bounds Issues: Because kicking is not accurate, the ball might go outside the court. This makes your team lose points.
  5. Team Confusion: Kicking can make the whole team confused. Someone else has to quickly fix it, and this can make everyone forget where they should be on the court.


Can you kick serve in volleyball?

No, you can’t kick serve in volleyball. In volleyball, you’re supposed to use your hands and arms, not your feet.

Can you kick the ball in volleyball under the net?

No, you’re not allowed to kick the ball under the net in volleyball. The rules say you should use your hands and arms to play the ball.

Can you kick the ball in high school volleyball?

No, even in high school volleyball, you can’t kick the ball. The rules are the same, and players are required to use their hands and arms.

Can you legally kick the ball in volleyball?

No, it’s not legal to kick the ball in volleyball. The rules specify that players must use their hands and arms for playing the ball.

Can you kick the ball in volleyball?

No, Players are required to use their hands and arms for hitting, passing, and setting the ball. kicking the ball over the net is not allowed in volleyball. 

Final Words

In volleyball, it’s really important to play by the rules and do the usual moves. Curiosity of breaking the rules such as “can you kick the ball in volleyball?” can cause issues with your team or the referees. So, kicking is allowed with the terms & conditions.

Every now and then, you might have to use your legs to defend or chase the ball, but only in certain situations, not always. There are no definite numbers on how many times we can use our feet in volleyball to kick but kicking the ball should be the very last thing you do to save a play.

So, when you’re playing volleyball, make sure to follow the rules and enjoy the game with fair play.

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